EFFeCT project

European Methodological Framework for Facilitating Teachers' Collaborative Learning - EFFeCT

The EFFeCT project is coordinated by the Knowledge Centre of the Tempus Public Foundation and carried out with the participation of six countries: Finland, Latvia, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Hungary.

The main goal of the international collaboration was to develop this European Methodological Framework for Facilitating Teachers' Collaborative Learning (CTL). The partnership regards this EFFeCT-webpage as the finalized Methodological Framework which serves as an effective tool to foster local collaborations between teachers within and across schools. The EFFeCT project has been very rich in the achievement both in theoretical and practical knowledge fields. All the results are published in the EFFeCT-portal, the content-related elements are connected. Thus the Methodological Framework can serve a source of the knowledge base of CTL or can be used as a tool for facilitators, with the aims of contributing to teachers’ competence development or facilitating policy development and innovative improvements related to teacher learning at a national, a regional, a local and institutional level.

Erasmus+ KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Projects

The duration of the project: 01/11/2015-30/04/2018

The total budget of the project: 499.902 €

6 partners (CZ, FI, HU, IE, LV, UK)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This e-book reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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